MTA Speedy Creator Plugin for Android Studio

Plugin for Android Studio available to extend the standard Android Studio features about automotive interfaces available on MTA displays and develop its Android software application


MTA is offering a customized version of Android Studio (the worldwide integrated development environment for Google’s Android OS) to enable the customers to easily program dashboards and displays.



The tool


• Android Studio provides a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) environment. In addition, MTA provides a set of customizable graphic components (widget libraries) to enable the developers to easily create advanced user interfaces.
• Faster development phase is guaranteed from the Android ecosystem which gives access to rich API and functionalities.
• The Android framework has been extended to provide access to all common automotive interfaces (CAN, LIN, digital input/output, analog). Vehicle data can be configured using MTA Speedy Creator, a dedicated Android Studio data modelling plugin developed by MTA.
• MTA offers 3 widget library styles, designed for agriculture, industrial and construction fields.

Application logic


• Logic functions can be programmed using graphical widget or native Java languages.
• Specific customizations can be done by the customer or by MTA.



USB dongles


Code protection using HASP USB dongle to prevent unauthorized access. 
The dongles allow the end user to unlock on the same PC all the MTA development and configuration tools.



Customize your device with Android Studio and MTA Speedy Creator

Giotto and Leonardo displays can be programmed using Android Studio.



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